Instructor: Kenny Boucher
Overview: This pass includes seven classes and bundles the 101 & 201 curriculum into one purchase. Where you are going to learn the pillar techniques of the NLP system, namely, airbrush applications, active wash system, and crisp edge highlighting. These training techniques typically accelerate a beginner's painting timeline by 1-3 years, yet still offers developmental progression for intermediate and advanced painters. We will transition into the intermediate course which combines both structure by the instructor, and input from the student. The content is more advanced than the 101 course, and is a prerequisite to the 301 course. This course includes both miniature painting techniques and effects which will assist you in improving your conceptualization and ability to apply paint to your models in ways which produce reliable and inspiring results.
During each live class session, your instructor will provide critical information regarding course content, implement live demonstrations, and most importantly observe and coach your ability to apply techniques to your own miniatures with in-vivo feedback.
Course Learning Objectives:
- Each student will be taught professional airbrush management. This will be accomplished through documented information, video instruction, and one-on-one live webconference coaching. Students will demonstrate their learning to manage the airbrush through both one-on-one live webconference demonstrations, as well as images of their work throughout the course.
- Every student will learn specialized techniques to apply Army Painter Quickwash shades in order to make dark things dark. This will happen through video instruction, live web-conference examples, and instructor feedback. Students will show their learning by demonstrating their skill live via web-conferencing with their instructor, as well as sharing photos of their work directly with the instructor.
- All students will be taught the Next Level Painting approach to edge highlighting, both as a concept, and as a skilled technique. This will be accomplished through video instruction, and live demonstrations via web-conference class sessions. Students will convey their learning by live demonstration via web-conferencing, as well as shared images with their instructor.
Students will be taught through concept and demonstration the technique of glazing. This is a technique which will advance their approach to mini painting and assist them in becoming more deliberate and precise in their artistic expression. Students will demonstrate their understanding of this technique, as well as their ability to deploy this technique through live examples as well as images sent to their instructor.
Wet Blending is often viewed as a challenging and difficult technique. In this course, the instructor will simplify and demystify this technique, including both subtle and “brute force” approaches. Students will demonstrate their learning of this technique through direct instructor observation, as well as sending their instructor evidence of their work as it relates to their competence with wet blending on the model(s) of their choice.
Students will be invited to become decisive in their learning regarding Object Source Lighting and Non-Metallic Metal. Through two course classes, the student can choose to focus on one, the other, or both. However the student approaches this decision will dictate the learning objective. Students will learn the technique(s) of their choice, its application in general and on the model(s) they select. Students will demonstrate their ability to manage OSL, NMM or both through live observations of their approach, as well as submitting images to their instructor of their progress with one or more of these techniques.
Now that the student has progressed through the fundamental techniques of the course, they will be exposed to specific effects, namely, lenses, windows, chipping, weathering, and grime. Due to the students progression, and familiarity with the learning process, each of these approaches will be taught and exemplified by the instructor. Students will also be expected to explore additional supportive content to further their study of and exposure to a variety of applications with these effects. Students will then focus on the effects of their choice, and provide the instructor with examples of their work for review and feedback.
These techniques are considered the pillars of advanced miniature painting. From here a student has the option to continue learning more specialized techniques such as Glazing, Wet Blending & popular effects like OSL, NMM, Lenses, Chipping and Weathering and Glow Effects.
Upon purchase you will be contacted by Kenny via email. The full course syllabus and schedule will transmitted along with other valuable information.