During lock down I painted a lot of Death Guard minis for my personal army. This is the first time in 6 years I tackled my own project like this. I have collected many models and decided to list some here for sale. I am a professional instructor yet I also sell my painted minis. I put a lot of effort and love into these converted Spawn and "multi part" Blight Drones. I spent days painting each Gellerpox Hulk individually like a showcase HQ choice. I spent days on each of the drones to the same effect. This represents about 350 hours of painting. The Spawn are mounted on "Gamers Grass Battle Ready" bases with extra highlights and weathering effects. The Drones are mounted on hand made bases utilizing sculpted tiles and rocks in order to match. Not only are these models from the first army I painted in 6 years but they are also the only ones I am currently willing to sell. I may never sell another Death Guard model from my army.
#deathguard40k #warhammer40k #gellerpoxhulk